On Wednesday December 20, 2023, PWGC staff attended a virtual presentation hosted by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) which covered the regulatory updates regarding Long Island’s composting and mulch processing facilities. In this talk, Joshua Huevel-Horwitz, Francesca King, and Daniel Ricci discussed the criteria that establishes exempt compost facilities, registered compost facilities, and mulch processing facilities.
The NYSDEC requires facilities to implement controls such as run-on/run-off, fire prevention practices, temperature monitoring, and odor controls with the aim of minimizing the potential for contamination. Mulch processing facilities must follow established limits on pile sizing. All mulch windrows on Long Island have a maximum height of 15 feet and a maximum width of 30 feet. No less than 10 feet are allowed between mulch piles.
As of July 22, 2023, all registered and permitted facilities located in Nassau and Suffolk counties must implement a groundwater monitoring program to assess and maintain water quality. Registered facilities must install a minimum of one upgradient and two downgradient wells and perform sampling for the specified parameters within 30 days of well installation. If the results of sampling indicate that facility operations do not impact groundwater quality, the facility may petition to reduce sampling frequency.
The NYSDEC specifies that corrective actions and protective criteria will vary depending on the findings of the sampling event, historical information available, and site characteristics. The Department will send notice to facilities if any irregularities are observed and will request action as necessary.
PWGC has the experience and personnel to assist with our client’s needs in a cost-efficient manner. If you’d like to learn more about how these regulations may impact your facility, please contact PWGC, pwgc.info@pwgrosser.com or 631.589.6353, today!
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