As a conditional requirement for all registered and permitted solid waste management facilities and issued beneficial use determinations (BUD), facilities must prepare and submit an annual report for each calendar year of operations. The information submitted in the annual report ensures that facilities stay within the throughput volumes permitted by their permit or registration, and to evaluate how wastes are managed within the state.
Facilities that are obligated to submit an annual report include registered or permitted landfills, municipal waste combustors, transfer stations, vegetative organic waste recyclers, Construction and Demolition Debris Handling and Recovery (C&D) Facility, scrap metal processors, vehicle dismantling facilities and more.
Facilities must submit a completed annual report for calendar year 2023 by March 1, 2024. Failure to submit the annual report in a timely fashion may result in enforcement action, which may include monetary fines and/or an administrative order on consent.
With a slew of qualified engineers and geologists on staff, PWGC is committed to helping your facility maintain compliance with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation regulations. Should you need assistance with the preparation of an annual report, navigating a site cleanup, or acquiring a solid waste permit, registration, or modification, please contact PWGC at 631.589.6353.
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