Carbon Footprint Analysis for Roanoke Sand and Gravel
PWGC worked with Roanoke to develop a carbon footprint baseline of greenhouse gas emissions from current greenhouse gas-contributing business activities. Additionally, the carbon footprint of a hypothetical commercial building occupying the land in lieu of the mining facility was performed to compare the potential greenhouse gas emission impact.
PWGC provided the following services:
- Site visit evaluating daily operations contributing to greenhouse gas emission.
- Performed calculations for direct and indirect emissions per California Climate Registry Greenhouse Gas Protocols for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. Scope 3 emissions were calculated to the extent possible based on available data.
- Prepared a letter report with the baseline carbon footprint analysis which included calculations and comparison of the impacts of a commercial facility occupying the site versus the activities of the sand and gravel facility.
PWGC provided the clients with on-site support and guidance in understanding the carbon impact of daily company operations and activities.
In collaboration with PWGC, the client attained an inventory of greenhouse gas emissions. The carbon footprint baseline provides a comparison for future reduction and the ongoing effort for energy efficiency and sustainability.