STV/SCA Lead Testing
PWGC performed water sampling to test for lead in accordance with the Lead and Copper Rule (LCR).
First draw samples were analyzed for lead and if the sample exceeded a lead level of 20 ppb, a second draw (or flushed sample) was analyzed.
With projecs of this type, field members often have to make quick, site-specific decisions about sampling locations, as every school was different in terms of the students served and the plumbing fixtures.
• Coordination with the building staff to access the sites and assess the building to determine which plumbing fixtures were to be sampled. Depending on the student population of the school, the plumbing fixtures and number of samples could vary.
• Access building to perform flushing and to create site plan layouts of each floor and fixtures to be sampled. Sampling was to take place 8 hours after in order to allow for the water to stagnate in the system, similar to that of an individual using water first thing in the morning after a building has not been in use.
• Obtaining samples within a specific time frame in accordance with clients requests.
• Analyzing and assisting in providing follow-up documentation in the event that there was an exceedance after the sample analysis.