Underground Injection Control Structure Cleaning & UST Closure
NIPIDIMI BX engaged PWGC to provide closure of an underground storage tank (UST) in the Bronx, NY.
PWGC performed a Phase I ESA and Phase II ESA at the site. The Phase I identified the potential presence of one 3000-gallon UST, two 275-gallon #2 fuel oil above-ground storage tanks (ASTs) and one 500-gallon AST.
PWGC’s soil sampling near the known USTs did not identify petroleum impact, but based on the findings, PWGC recommended that the anomalies be further investigated and properly closed (as necessary) in accordance with applicable regulations.
Each anomaly turned out to be non-abandoned USTs that were cleaned, then removed from the site. Endpoint samples were collected and analyzed to ensure VOCs and SVOCs were not detected after removal. The analytical results of the samples indicated no impact on the soils surrounding the USTs. An affidavit certifying the closure of the UST was submitted to FDNY. Following removal, the site was restored and utilized as an active bus terminal.